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This is the Ikot Aba page list, the detail information is below.

Mbiabong Ikot Abasi Etoi Uyo Akwa Ibom: 520102

  • City: Mbiabong Ikot Abasi
  • Region 1: Akwa Ibom
  • Country: Nigeria(nga)
  • Postcode (ZIP): 520102
  • Mbak Ikot Abasi Etoi Uyo Akwa Ibom: 520102

  • City: Mbak Ikot Abasi
  • Region 1: Akwa Ibom
  • Country: Nigeria(nga)
  • Postcode (ZIP): 520102
  • Ikot Abasi Nkpo Etoi Uyo Akwa Ibom: 520102

  • City: Ikot Abasi Nkpo
  • Region 1: Akwa Ibom
  • Country: Nigeria(nga)
  • Postcode (ZIP): 520102
  • Ikot Abasi Oniong Clan Onna Akwa Ibom: 524106

  • City: Ikot Abasi
  • Region 1: Akwa Ibom
  • Country: Nigeria(nga)
  • Postcode (ZIP): 524106
  • Ikot Abasi Eyop Obot Akara Obot Akara Akwa Ibom: 530103

  • City: Ikot Abasi Eyop
  • Region 1: Akwa Ibom
  • Country: Nigeria(nga)
  • Postcode (ZIP): 530103
  • Abiakpo Ikot Abasi-Inyang Ikot Abia Obot Akara Akwa Ibom: 530104

  • City: Abiakpo Ikot Abasi-Inyang
  • Region 1: Akwa Ibom
  • Country: Nigeria(nga)
  • Postcode (ZIP): 530104
  • Ikot Abasi-Ufat Ndiya Nsit Ubium-Nsit Ibom Akwa Ibom: 522104

  • City: Ikot Abasi-Ufat
  • Region 1: Akwa Ibom
  • Country: Nigeria(nga)
  • Postcode (ZIP): 522104
  • Ikot Abasi Eastern Nsit Nsit Atai Akwa Ibom: 521108

  • City: Ikot Abasi
  • Region 1: Akwa Ibom
  • Country: Nigeria(nga)
  • Postcode (ZIP): 521108
  • Ikot Aba Ikpa Ibom Mbo Akwa Ibom: 534111

  • City: Ikot Aba
  • Region 1: Akwa Ibom
  • Country: Nigeria(nga)
  • Postcode (ZIP): 534111
  • Ikot Abasi Akpan Ibiaku Mbo Akwa Ibom: 534109

  • City: Ikot Abasi Akpan
  • Region 1: Akwa Ibom
  • Country: Nigeria(nga)
  • Postcode (ZIP): 534109
  • Ikot Abasi Itam West Itam Itu Akwa Ibom: 520113

  • City: Ikot Abasi Itam
  • Region 1: Akwa Ibom
  • Country: Nigeria(nga)
  • Postcode (ZIP): 520113
  • Ikot Abasi Uquok Ini-Ikono Akwa Ibom: 531103

  • City: Ikot Abasi
  • Region 1: Akwa Ibom
  • Country: Nigeria(nga)
  • Postcode (ZIP): 531103
  • Ikot Abasi Ndiya Ndiya Ini-Ikono Akwa Ibom: 531118

  • City: Ikot Abasi Ndiya
  • Region 1: Akwa Ibom
  • Country: Nigeria(nga)
  • Postcode (ZIP): 531118
  • Mbiafun Ikot Abasi Mbiabong II Ini-Ikono Akwa Ibom: 531108

  • City: Mbiafun Ikot Abasi
  • Region 1: Akwa Ibom
  • Country: Nigeria(nga)
  • Postcode (ZIP): 531108
  • Ikot Abasi Ikpa Ibekwe Ikot Abasi Akwa Ibom: 534101

  • City: Ikot Abasi
  • Region 1: Akwa Ibom
  • Country: Nigeria(nga)
  • Postcode (ZIP): 534101
  • Page No: 1

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    Ikot Aba Ikot Aba 520117
    Ikot Aba Ikot Aba 534111
    Ikot Aba Ikot Aba 534101
    Ikot Aba Ikot Aba 520117
    Ikot Aba Ikot Aba 520117
    Ikot Aba Ikot Aba 520117